Global Business Development

What is ‘Geowizard’?

Where did this name come from?

In early 1977, my Wife, Nancy, our new Daughter, Heather, and I moved back to the U.S. from a multi-year oil & gas exploration assignment in Jakarta, Indonesia. My company, Atlantic Richfield, transferred me to Houston to work on oil & gas exploration off the Gulf Coast of the U.S.

The traffic in the morning and afternoons from the Houston suburbs to our downtown office was bumper to bumper. In those days we did not have cell phones or GPS navigation systems to tell us what the traffic ahead was. So, many people had CB (Citizen Band) radios mounted in their cars with big antennas. Everyone shared the traffic where they were. We would listen for upcoming traffic and broadcast when we saw a traffic problem.

Everyone was required to have a CB ‘handle’ like fighter pilots have a call sign. Mine was “Geowizard.” I was an Exploration Geophysicist in the oil industry with a geology background. My job was to use technology to find oil & gas. Hence, I was a Geowizard!

During my 4 decades of oil industry days and subsequent global business development career living in 7 countries and working on projects in over 50, I have had to be a wizard to get international brands started up successfully in many countries. Hence, I remain a Geowizard!

Bill Edwards

May 2021

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